How to Manifest Disaster in Life and Lose Everything You Love

Forget winning and being successful. What about knowing how to manifest disaster in life and lose everything you love easily and painlessly for free?

Think about that for a moment.

Instead of struggling with your chaotic mental and emotional mess to try and attract something good and worthwhile into your life, as all the law of attraction gurus say you can, turn it on its head and consider the opposite.

When Disaster Strikes

disasterVery few people ever talk about deliberately attracting disaster into their lives on purpose.

It's more like it's something that happens to you out of the blue without you having any input into the proceedings at all. The term, "disaster strikes" implies that a catastrophe only ever comes out of nowhere and hits you right where it hurts the most.

It doesn't seem to matter if you've been diligently trying to manifest something good through all kinds of techniques. Even going so far as to learn to practice ho'oponopono or deep meditation through yoga only to find the opposite seems to happen all too often.

You couldn't possibly have anything to do with creating your own downfall, could you?

The Power of Negative Energy

It has often been said by many of the leading new thought "experts" that it is much harder to attract something good than to attract something bad.

The reason for this is that many believe that negative energy is more powerful than positive energy. Many believe that low frequency, negative energy seems to more readily bind itself to its like frequency than does positive energy to its relative likeness.

Why is this?

The reality is that since everything is energy, it all carries the same elemental structure and there is no real positive or negative aspect to it. Energy just is.

So what's really happening when a person seems to easily attract something bad or unwanted, but has a harder time attracting something nice or desired?

What Do You Really Want?

The oft asked question in the popular movie "The Secret" by more than one of the presenters is, "What do you really want?"

They're basically telling you that if you can imagine, visualize and emotionalise a desired thing, then you will attract it to you in the form of like frequency of vibration. In other words, you are transmitting and then receiving positive energy.

What is really happening is that as long as you focus all of your mental and emotional power on a single desired outcome, you will attract that outcome. If the desired thing is really something good or positive by your definition, that's exactly what you want to be doing.

However, a great many people take this strategy and focus on what they don't want. Whether you want something or not, the field of energy that is everything doesn't discriminate between want or don't want.

It will attract itself to what you're focusing most strongly on (mentally and emotionally).

So if you're strongly focused on not being broke any more, or on not losing your job, or not breaking up with your partner etc, you're putting all your energy into attracting the very thing that you don't want.

By doing that with great passion and repetitively, you're sure to get exactly what you're trying to avoid.

Negating the Negative

There is a life-changing lesson I learned as I was training as a hypnotherapist and that was this one very simple point about hypnotic suggestion.

The subconscious does not recognise the negative in a statement.

For example, if I were helping a client to quit smoking, I would offer suggestions such as:

I would never suggest:

The last two examples would imply the opposite meaning to the subconscious, reinforcing the client's belief that they will continue to smoke after leaving my office. That's because the subconscious ignores the word "not" in those suggestions, changing their meaning to "I do smoke," and "I do like smoking."

When compiling and working with affirmations to manifest a thing, the same criteria should be observed. For example:

What should be avoided are affirmations that use the negative:

Repeating those last two examples many times over would, unfortunately, be a great way to attract disaster into your life in one form or another!


The way to manifest adversity in your life is far too easy and done repeatedly by so many people.

They do it by trying to convince themselves they do not want a bad outcome, but their choice of wording or mental self-talk would is interpreted otherwise. By vehemently attempting to attract the very thing they don't want, they are infusing their manifestation process with so much energy that it's manifestation is almost guaranteed.

Avoiding this situation is actually fairly simple and should always be this way. Make sure you are definite about exactly what is is that you want to attract and only focus your power on that.

Posted: August 17, 2024