Volume 15, Issue 1

This page contains the archived copy of Volume 15, Issue 1 of the original Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law.

Volume 15, Issue 1

Winter 2006
International Intervention in an Age of Crisis and Terror: UN Reform and Regional Practice
Why Some Developing Countries Are Better Placed Than the International Monetary Fund Develop Policy Responses to the Challenges of Global Capital
Maritime Terrorism, The Straits of Malacca and the Issue of State Responsibility
Observing the Legal System of the Community: The Relationship Between Community and National Legal Systems Under the African Economic Community Treaty
Art Thou For Us, or For Our Adversaries? Communicative Action and the Regulation of Product Placement: A Comparative Study and a Tool for Analysis


When Will Help Be On The Way? The Status of International Disaster Relief Law
NGO's in Russia
Addressing the Call for the Elimination of Birthright Citizenship in the United States: Constitutional and Pragmatic Reasons to Keep Birthright Citizenship Intact
Victor’s Justice? The Lessons of Nuremberg Applied to the Trial of Saddam Hussein
The Case for Burma: Inconsistent U.S. Policies; Unjust Application of U.S. Law
And Not A Drop To Drink: Water Privatization Pseudo-Sovereignty and the Female Burden


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